How many mentor appointments can I take?


Mentor appointments depend on 2 criteria.

The duration of your training and your plan.

Premium plans benefit from an unlimited number of mentor appointments regardless of the duration.

Short trainings (1 to 5 months) have:

  • 5 mentor appointments with the light plan.

  • 10 mentor appointments for the basic plan.

These appointments last for 15 minutes.

For the Degrees and Bachelors programs, the number of mentor appointments is as follows:

13 mentor appointments for training lasting 9 months.

15 mentor appointments for training lasting 12 months.

18 mentor appointments for training lasting 16 months.

As for the CAP, there are 10 appointments for the basic plans.

The BTS, lasting 24 months, has 24 mentor appointments.

For all long training programs, the duration of a mentor appointment is 30 minutes.

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