Understanding your inbox sections
Your inbox is a consolidated view of all your important conversations in Front that need your attention. A conversation can be in your inbox for a variety of reasons — it's assigned to you, you're @mentioned, or there's new activity in a conversation you're subscribed to.
When you archive, snooze, or unsubscribe from conversations in your inbox, it doesn't impact other participants in the conversation. You can clear out your inbox without archiving the conversation for other participants by mistake.
Inbox sections
Your inbox is a consolidated view of all the conversations you're participating in: whether they are assigned to you, you've been @mentioned or invited, or you've subscribed to see updates.
Click Inbox to view open conversations in each section all at once, or click on each section to view them separately.
Assigned to me
When any conversation is assigned to you from a shared inbox or individual inbox, it will show up here until you archive or snooze it.
Shared with me
Being mentioned or invited to a conversation will add it to this section. If you send a reply, post a comment, or subscribe by clicking the bell icon, then all new messages and comments will cause the conversation to bump up in this section so you can see new activity. If you don't subscribe, then it will stay archived even when there's new activity. More information on Shared with me can be found here.
Any internal discussions that you've been invited to will be found here. New comment activity in the discussion will cause them to unarchive and bump up in this section until you unsubscribe from them.
Individual inbox
If you've added your private work email as an individual inbox in Front, those messages will arrive here. They'll be private by default unless you share your individual inbox with a teammate. You can share messages one at a time by @mentioning a teammate or inviting them in the participants menu. Please note that conversations in your private inbox are not technically assigned to you. If you assign a private conversation to yourself, it will disappear from your private inbox and this could cause confusion.
You can star any conversation that you want to find later by clicking the tag icon on a conversation, then selecting the Star tag.
These conversations will appear in the Starred section below your individual inbox. You can also drag and drop conversations into the Starred section to apply the star, which will move the conversation out of the original location and file it into the Starred section. You can remove the Star tag from the conversation to return it to the original inbox. Lastly, if you star a conversation in a delegated inbox, it will appear in that teammate's Starred section.
For Gmail users: If you star items in your individual inbox, the status will sync with your Gmail inbox. If you star items in a shared inbox, the starred view is personal to you and does not sync with Gmail.
Your Drafts folder contains drafts that you created in Front, and does not sync with the drafts in your Gmail or Office 365 inbox that were created there or vice versa. Once you send the message, it will leave your Drafts folder and show in the inbox it was sent from.
Your Sent folder in Front will show messages you’ve sent personally from Front, rather than messages your teammates have sent. Deleted emails will no longer show up in your Sent folder, so we recommend you archive your emails instead and only delete messages that are truly not required, such as spam. Messages sent from third-party apps like Gmail, Outlook, and Salesforce won’t show up in this folder; though they will still be synced to the Archived tab of the inbox if the channel being used has a two-way sync in Front.
Customize your sidebar
You can customize your sidebar by displaying the items you need, as well as curating the order of the inboxes and items. Learn how to do that here.