Formatting your comments


Front's comment feature allows you to have internal dialogue with your team about a conversation. Check out these styling tips to better highlight parts of your comments. Please note that we no longer support writing clickable links in Markdown in comments.

For quoted text, input a greater-than sign (>) before the quoted text:
> Here's a quote!

For bold text, wrap it with two asterisks (**):
**This is bold text**

For italic text, wrap it with asterisks (*):
*And italics*

For strikethrough text, wrap it with two tildes (~~):
~~Now strikethrough~~

For code, wrap it with back-ticks (`):
`Input code here`

For multi-line code blocks, wrap it with three back-ticks (```):



code blocks


For links, wrap it with square brackets ([]):

[my link title](

For bullet points, type use a dash and space (- ):

- This is a bullet point

To skip a line, press SHIFT + ENTER at the same time.

For emojis, click on the smiley face in the comment box, or type a colon (:) followed by your emoji term (:hearts:). As soon as you input the last colon or click the emoji from the results list, your emoji will appear!

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