Message templates report
The Message Templates report measures your team message template usage so that you can see how often your team is using message templates, and gain insights for each of your message templates. The report allows you to learn more about your team's workflow, measure the effectiveness of your team's message templates, and gauge how much time your team saved by using message templates. You'll first need to set up message templates in order to use this report.
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How it works
The Message Templates report includes data on message templates sent by your teammates. The metrics in the Message Templates report do not include:
Message templates sent via auto-reply rules (auto-replies are ignored in all analytics reporting)
Messages sent using private message templates
Messages sent by sequences
Report sections
The Messages With Templates bar indicates the percentage of messages sent that used a message template. A high number of messages with templates indicates that your team’s communication motions are well-optimized.
Click on each metric to see the metric details; how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.
List of metrics
The Message Template Details table shows specific metrics for each message template used during the selected period. This allows you to gain insight into volume, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Type in the search box to find specific message templates.
Click the gear icon at the top right of this table to select which metrics you want to display, listed below.
Customize how many rows you'd like to display on each page using the Rows per page on the bottom left.
Click to more pages using the arrows and numbers on the bottom right.
Click on each metric to see the metric details- how it was calculated and which conversations were counted into the metric.
List of metrics
Set up a new report view by following this guide.
Analytics are available on the Growth plan or above. Some legacy plans with different names may also allow access to this feature.